Lisa Erickson
and Virtual
Lisa is an energy worker, writer, meditation teacher and mom to three. She draws on many different energy healing traditions in her work, including the work of healer and author Cyndi Dale, with whom she has trained. She is a certified mindfulness meditation instructor and certified Feeding Your Demons facilitator through Lama Tsultrim Allione. She is the creator of the popular DailyOM course Awakening Your Feminine Chakras which offers an introduction to women’s energetics practices.
A major focus of Lisa’s work is energy healing for women sexual trauma and abuse survivors. She has published a free e-book on this topic: Healing the Subtle Body Wounds of Sexual Trauma and Abuse: 10 Practices for Self-Healing and Empowerment, available on Amazon, her blog, and other ebook distributors. She also offers a 4-session teleseminar twice yearly on Sexual Trauma Healing for Women, with more in-depth guided work and forum support. She is committed to offering affordable and trauma-sensitive healing options for sexual trauma survivors.
Lisa has practiced meditation for 30+ years, and taught both chakra and mindfulness meditation for 15. She has taught in a variety of settings including community centers, schools, adult education centers, yoga studios, and rape crises centers. She is focused on trauma-sensitivity within meditation instruction, and has taught on this through The Breathe Network’s own teleseminar program in Creating Trauma-Sensitive Meditation Classes.
In addition to teaching and private sessions, Lisa also writes for her popular women’s spirituality blog, Mommy Mystic, where she has long shared insights and resources on sexual trauma healing, energy work for women, chakras, women mystics, and women’s spirituality. Lisa regularly speaks at conferences and is available for speaking engagements. She has presented at the Mankato State’s annual Women’s Spirituality Conference, the National Energy Healing Conference, and the National Sexual Assault Conference.
Treatment Modalities
Lisa begins each one hour-phone, Skype, or Zoom session with a brief guided meditation to help clients feel safe and centered in their bodies, as well as connected to their own resilience and self-healing capacity. Clients are encouraged to customize this meditation according to what is comfortable for them – for example with eyes open or closed, sitting, standing or lying down. The next 20-30 minutes of the session is spent in dialogue, with the client invited to share what they would like to work on, any relevant history, or recent triggering events. Although this section of the session is primarily dialogue, as Lisa and her client become more comfortable with each other, she may invite her client to notice where he/she is feeling a particular emotion in his/her body while speaking. After this dialogue, Lisa proposes a series of energy work exercises for that particular session, and solicits client feedback on this, and they work together to come up with a sequence that feels comfortable and helpful to them both.
Most often the energy work sequence will involve feeling into the body around particular emotions, and working with chakra visualizations, colors, and affirmations to release, soothe, transform and heal associated energy wounds. This guided work is conducted at a pace that feels comfortable to the client, and can be modified at any time. Sequences conclude with general chakra flow work, affirmations, and/or empowerment work designed to help a client again connect to their own resilience and self-healing capacity. At the end of the session, Lisa and her client discuss follow-up work, including repetition of any guided work or affirmations that may be helpful.
In general, Lisa prefers to work in series of 3 sessions at a time, usually spaced two weeks apart, but this can be modified. She offers the option of recording sessions, which clients receive as an MP3 file, and can utilize to repeat any exercises if they wish.
Lisa has worked with survivors of sexual abuse, violence, and assault for over ten years. Although her teleseminar work and writings are primarily focused on women, in private sessions she works with men and women. Her work has been in both group and individual settings, both in person and by phone/Skype/Zoom. She has taught mindfulness at a rape crisis center, and trauma-sensitive meditation classes at adult community centers, yoga studios, and wellness clinics. Her teleseminar and private phone session work has included women and men from many different cultural and social backgrounds from around the world. She is a firm believer that energy work can be adapted to benefit anyone, and is often of particular value to sexual trauma survivors because our energy body serves as the intermediary between our physical body, mental state, and emotions.
My Interest in Working with Survivors
Lisa’s energy work began with a focus on women’s energetics – the unique ways that women’s energy bodies process energy, particularly through the chakras. In her early years of teaching and private practice, she realized that many of her students and clients had experienced sexual trauma. She began to develop customized chakra-healing practices to help women to address the impact of these experiences, with a special focus on developing mind-body-energy awareness. Over time and with additional training in both energy healing and trauma-sensitivity, these exercises developed into the tools she uses today. Lisa believes that on an energetic level working to integrate and heal from sexual trauma is part of a larger shift occurring on a cultural and social level to rebalance masculine and feminine energies, helping to shift and heal dysfunctions and abuses of power around gender and sexuality.
How My Practice Holistically Addresses the Impacts of Sexual Trauma
Our energy body is an intermediary between our physical body, our mind, and our emotions. Trauma survivors often develop patterns of disassociating from their physical bodies and/or uncomfortable emotions as a survival/coping mechanism. For many survivors, chakra-based energy work can serve as a gentle, gradual approach to reconnecting to their bodies, by focusing on the energy of emotions and physical sensations first. Other survivors may have developed patterns of hypervigilance – a heightened awareness of and anxiety about their surroundings and events. For these survivors, a heightened sense of others’ energy, or even unconscious empathic tendencies of taking on others’ energies as their own, may develop. In these cases, chakra work can help to develop a sense of an energetic boundary and filter. For all survivors, strengthening of the lower chakras, those associated with the lower torso and pelvic area, can be crucial to help them regain a sense of foundation, grounding, and safety in their own bodies.
Energy work of this type is usually not a first-phase treatment modality. It usually is most helpful as a complement to talk therapy, or as a follow-on method. Lisa does not focus on remembering or reconnecting with traumatic events, or on energy catharsis through this, although if a client needs this she may engage in this kind of work. Most of the focus is on emotional patterns and triggers as they are felt in the body day to day, and on helping a client transform these. Many of her clients have undergone talk therapy and feel they mentally understand the history of their patterns, but feel ‘stuck’ in their capacity to shift them. This is when energy work is often the most helpful, because it bridges so many levels of our being. Of course, as with all modalities, this will be right for some and not for others.
Modifications for Survivors
Lisa checks in with her clients frequently throughout a session, and all guided work is described and agreed upon in advance. Clients are invited to work in a way that is comfortable for them, and many find that sessions by phone, Skype or Zoom, in the comfort of their own homes, feels safe and protective.
Payment Options
I am able to offer a sliding-scale.
About The Breathe Network
Users of The Breathe Network’s resources assume responsibility for evaluating and selecting the providers included in our network. Please discuss your specific needs with the provider to determine whether they have the skills to assist you in your healing.
The Breathe Network, Inc. is organized as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, therefore the full amount of contributions made to our organization are deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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